Ohhhh you know this one has my heart pitter-pattering! The Little Balboa Island home was designed by Anne Michaelsen-Yahn, the founder of Newport Beach, California-based Anne Michaelsen Design. She wanted to reinvent the classic beach house by elevating it’s elegance while preserving its charm, and adding a dose of modernism to appeal to the stylish sensibilities of it’s owners! We are definitely discussing that turquoise bathroom first….so gorgeous! I adore the color of the tiles and how it picks up the traces of turquoise in the marble slabs on the vanities. The sea-inspired tile work in the kitchen is fantastic too! See more of this amazing Bayfront Avenue home captured by Mark Lohman, as well as more projects by the talented designer here!
Anne Michaelsen Design
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise…updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
50 Shades of Blue done RIGHT!! franki
What a stunning home!! Love the neutral tones with little pops on turquoise. It feels so comfortable and inviting. Thanks for sharing!
I used to live on Balboa Island years ago, it's lovely, but really hard to find parking and/or get off the island during rush hour to get to work! Plus … TOURISTS everywhere at all hours LOL!
This is a lovely home. Is that an elevator I see behind the stairs? LOVING the tile in that bathroom! I don't think I'd ever leave!