Sometimes you just need to get away from it all and I can’t think of a better escape than Petit St. Vincent, “a private island for private people” in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. You won’t find a TV, phone or internet *gasp!* in any of the 22 newly renovated cottages. Instead the sound of waves, birds and breezes accompany the breathtaking views! I really love the interiors, featuring native stone walls and beachy color palettes. In fact, I’ll take any one of them! You can see more pics and learn all about the hideaway right here!
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise…updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
I'm crying!!!
It's a dream!
Hi Erin, how adorable place .Wish you good rest.And I'd love necklases in your profile , it's as beautiful as you.Loves from Turkey.
Hi! What a wonderful place!!!
Holy Vacation! Thank you for posting this…how fabulous! From the water, to the art to the interiors, everything is perfection.
Hi Erin
Just wanted to say that I have been following your blog for about a year and it was your site that got me going on creating an"amalfi" room in my home. It's a sunroom with lots of turquoise and coral and pictures from the Almalfi coast from our travels. Thanks so much for your continuing inspirations.
Pat from Fearlessedith.com
Beautiful place love!
wow! could I use that right now!! No phone, NO INTERNET! no nothing. Just those gorgeous turquoise views and time to breathe!
I am swooning. And saving my pennies. I even saw an air conditioner. Heaven in turquoise : )
Yum! Looked at the site, the beaches, the spa, sheer heaven the turquoise from the pillows to the view. I so would love to go there.
love the bathroom!
Perfection! I love the natural finishes, particularly the stone walls.
I want to go there!
I loved it
It is like a dream
What a relaxing and peaceful place. All interiors are matching together.
hey erin,
just wanted to let you know that I'm actually form St.Vincent and the Grenadines and have been following your blog for some time now. It was such a rush to see PSV on your blog yesterday, I gathered all my co-workers to show them that one of our islands was featured on a blog I read. They all know I waste…sorry….spend lots of time reading various blogs so glad to be able to show them our island on your blog.
I am working as a painter and decorator in Surrey. Through this blog I have obtain new ideas for home decoration. Thanks for sharing the wonderful blog.
Hi Erin,
Thanks for showcasing the lovely PSV. I actually LIVE in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Petite St.Vincent is one of the Grenadine Islands. The others that are inhabited are Bequia, Union Island, Canouan, Mayreau, Palm Island, Young Island and Mustique which are all a dream to visit.
This blog gave me an idea on vinyl fence installation and home renovation.
PSV is where we went on our honeymoon!!!
Petit St. Vincent Resort is one of the top Caribbean private island destination. Its just a lovely place for a romantic secludes vacation.