This has to be one of my favorite homes ever–love the citrus and turquoise! Located in Key West, Florida, the historic conch cottage was designed by David L. Smith, an interior designer based right on the island. First off, I adore the kitchen cabinets painted Benjamin Moore “White Rain”, such a pretty color! (Love the bathroom cabinet too, painted Sherwin-Williams “Belize”!) The Phillip Jefferies grasscloth wallcovering in both bedrooms is gorgeous, as are the walls in the foyer and hallway. They actually repurposed the preserved Dade County pine that was originally in the ceiling and used it to finish the walls! Read more about the renovation and learn sources right here!
Get the Look:
David L. Smith Interiors
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise…updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
Yes! This home just brightened up my day. Love all of it!!
The kitchen cabinetry with the basket weave detail is very nice, and the whole house feels very relaxing!
Love the bathroom sink, where can I purchase one?