I’m baaaack!! Holy cow, what a honeymoon. I’ll have you know there came a point, very early on actually, where Chris and I looked at each other and had absolutely no clue as to what day it was. Now that’s a vacation! No laptop or iphone, just simply a camera to capture as many memories as possible. I will definitely be sharing some more with you (loads of turquoise in Mexico, it was amazing!), but this awesome house that we spotted while touring Isla Mujueres on a moped was one of my favorites. Imagine having THAT as your home, and the Caribbean in your back yard! *sigh*
As much as I loved two whole weeks of heart-stopping turquoise water, white sandy beaches, fabulous gourmet meals, yummy pina coladas and (most of all) the company of my new husband 24/7, it is indeed good to be home. 🙂
YAY!!! So happy for you, and so glad you enjoyed it! I'd go back to Mexico in a heartbeat.
Exactly what I'd expect to capture your heart in Mexico. I am sure there is so much more you will share with us! Can't wait! Also, my prayer for you and your husband is to ALWAYS put away the world (just as you did on your honeymoon)as much as possible (even if its for a few minutes in a day), and reconnect to the love you have!
Welcome back! You've been missed!!!
Welcome back! So glad you had such a wonderful time!!!
Mexico is a turquoise treasure trove! So happy it was all you had hoped for. franki
Welcome back, Erin! You were missed! So glad you had a wonderful honeymoon and can't wait to see your photos.
Glad your back. It sounds like you had a great time. This little home is adorable.
So glad you are back ~ but I KNOW that you wish you were still on your honeymoon!!! Gorgeous photos!
Welcome Home Erin! So happy for you and best wishes! This house is so CUTE!
Yay for a fabulous moon!! Can't wait to see more pictures!
Awww.. Erin! I missed you! I'm so glad to hear you both had an amazing time!
Welcome back! And may God bless you both, always!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
How neat! My parents have a house on Isla Mujeres and it's full of lots of turquoise! So glad you got to experience the island, it's one of my very favorite places, especially for relaxing.
Glad you are back and to hear you had a fabulous honeymoon! What an interesting house! I wonder what it was like inside. I cannot wait to see more pictures!
~ Tracy
Welcome back!!! boy I cant wait to see all your pictures!! I can only imagine how beautiful it was!
Welcome back Erin..you were missed! if this unique little house is anything to go by..we have a lot to look forward to in the coming days!! xx meenal
That must have been THE life. How amazing!
welcome back from a well-deserved break :)) glad you had a good time!!xx
Welcome back – can't wait to hear about your adventures!
Welcome back to the blogosphere Erin. You were missed but all of your guest posters were fab. What goodness do you have in store for us next – besides pics of your honeymoon?
just discovered your lovely turquoise blog! love it! it makes me love turquoise that much more.
Welcome back. We missed you. It's amazingly wonderful to unplug from tv and technology!
How funny! We were just on Isla Mujeres last week! Isn't it great? I didn't spy this cool house though!
Congrats on your marriage!
Welcome back!!!!
Welcome home! It sounds you have an amazing time. Mexico sounds great. Looking forward to some pics!
Yay! So glad you are back! Sounds like you had a dream honeymoon! So happy for you and your new hubby!
Welcome back to the Newlyweds! May the years ahead bring you both much love and happiness.
Im a Brazilian interior designer e new blogger. I love yours, such a big inspiration for us.
I did a new post with a caribbean style and have a lot of turquoise, If you could take look will be nice =)
Bye bye,
Monna Braga
Hi sweetie, so glad you're back all married and honeymooned! I'm so happy you had a wonderful time.
Sounds like you had a beautiful time! That house is so much fun, and of course, the door is fabulous 🙂
Welcome back! We are ready to see lots of turquoise!
Welcome back! One thousand congratulations to you and Chris !!!
Will you share where you stayed? we are planning a trip there next month!! Thanks!! xoxo Shelli
Yay, welcome back! And of course, what a perfect return post 🙂
so glad you and Chris had a wonderful time…and we missed you…
loved your guest bloggers though… they shared such wonderful and inspiring decor ideas…
can't wait to see all the fabulous pics from your trip… 🙂
perfection! so glad you had a great trip!! and even gladder you're back!
Dear Erin,
Congratulations on your marriage and welcome home. Your guest bloggers were all fabulous. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy all of the beautiful turquoise pictures in your blog. Keep the blogs coming.
Love and Blessings for a happy life!
anxiously awaiting photos! So happy you had a good time. Did you see this house: http://fioreinteriors.blogspot.com/2010/08/wanderlust-shell-house-in-isla-mujeres.html its in the area and on my bucket list!
I love these pics — that door…swoon! Glad you enjoyed yourself and glad you are back. Look forward to more pics! 🙂
Hi Erin, I was just checking out the Bunkie…so cute, that floor is the perfect color, isn't it?!
I came across your post about Mexico, I've seen that cute little isla mujeres "igloo" myself a few times! I've also taken pics of it! It's so pretty in it's simplicity, wouldn't you just love to see the inside? Did you buy seashells from the adorable Mexican family down the road? I love Isla Mujeres!
Congratulations on your wedding!
Wow, amazing house! What was the interior look like? That's a lovely igloo! I've never seen this one so beautiful as most of the igloos I see on TV are just built at the North Pole with eskimos living in them.
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