The panoramic view of the ocean is the focal point of this incredible beach home in Bethany Beach, Delaware built by Dewson Construction Company! Some serious cred must also be given to Bruce Palmer Design Studio and the architectural firm Olivieri, Shousky & Kiss. I cannot even handle that two-story living room. (How do you clean those windows?!) I think I’d have to call first dibs on the bedroom up on the 3rd floor, looks like there’s a hot tub or something right out the door. But the view! Can you imagine the view from up there?! Despite all of that, I keep looking back to the kitchen. I LOVE that blue subway tile more than anything else! There’s lots more photos by John Jenkins to see, so head right here!
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This house is gorgeous! I love all the chandeliers and pendants, and that view is amazing!
Bethany Beach is a "viewers delight!" The homes are almost as amazing as the ocean!!! franki
That is a beautiful home! A view to die for…anyone that can afford a home like this doesn't wash their own windows…EVER! They have hired help. Wish it was my home.
Love the ceiling in the dining area!! How unique!
Love the home design, but there is too much going on with the decor. Feels like a furniture store to me.
I would be cooking up a storm if I had that kitchen! The blue tile is dreamy! I also love all the bathrooms, especially the master. And the blue bedroom. And the view.
Oh. Wow. Words escape me. I definitey want to live there.
Is there a chance? A giveaway perhaps? Specifically to me?
I just thought I would ask. Thanks for the chance to dream.
Can you imagine the happiness of living there ? Divine house !
The house is amazing. I love it. If I got a chance to live in such well constructed house with nice designing, I will feel like I am in heaven.
I want to sleep this bedroom.Ahhhhh….Dreams…
The people that own this home "don't DO windows" Love those curved ceiling beams – have never seen that before.
It is such a beautiful house! Wow! Wow! Wow! I so love the kitchen too!
Dream home indeed. I went traveling with some jewelry sellers back in 1997 on the east coast and we were always in Maine or NH or RI. I always wanted to know what those grey ocean front property houses were like inside. I went out to Nantucket and was wishing I had a home there ocean side one of those grey huge houses. Maybe one day.