Located in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, this incredible water-front property built by A.P. Savino LLC centers around family, comfort and home. Awash with all of my favorite sand, sea and sky colors, the interior is filled with comfortable furnishings that invite you to kick up your feet and relax! I don’t even know which room above is my favorite; the details in each are exactly what I’d want in my own dream home! You’ll definitely want to tour the rest of the home right here!
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise…updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
Gorgeous. I'm LOVING the paned transom windows above the door in the kitchen. How cool is that?
And yes, I'd be happy to move into that house…just to help those poor home owners out. =)
[email protected]
Do we know the interior paint colors? I'd love to use them!
Anon- Unfortunately I do not know any of the paint colors. They sure are beautiful though! If I find out, I'll post them!
That window seat is adorable. I think I could nap there all day long!
oh my! it looks amazing!! I adore the beach feel to it without losing any of the comfort.
I love the light pendant. Any idea for the origine?
What a beautiful home! I love the relaxed feel!
I love the view! Wish I had that view….
what fun….
Oh, I could move right in! These colors are so tranquil.
I always love seeing things in my own backyard on your blog! xosk
Simply perfect!
I love this blue!!
You always make me drool over the beautiful photos you post – this time was no exception.
Love blue and the coziness of the each room! I need to show this to my husband and see if he'll go for one of the layouts!!!!
The place sure looks very accommodating. I feel like that place can host a great party. Great photos. Would love to live in a house like that too!