Hello everyone! I’m Krista from The Happy Housie, and I’m thrilled to be here today sharing one of my favourite spaces in our home: My Craft Room.
A couple of years ago we bunked our two boys together in a shared bedroom space in order to allow me to create a craft room/office. It was the best decision we’ve ever made, and not just because it allows me to keep my creativity from spilling over and wreaking havoc throughout our whole home. But, also, because the boys love sharing and are closer as brothers (I think) because of it! Bonus: I got to decorate my craft room in a super personal way since it is {pretty much} a space for me. So I used lots of fun colour throughout – and especially a lot of turquoise, which features prominently throughout our whole home.

If you are interested in all the thrifty DIY that went into creating this space, then I welcome you to come on over to my blog for the full tour where I share a gallery of all the DIYs that went into creating this room!
Thanks for having me over, Erin!!
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise…updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
Just beautiful.