I’ve posted that amazing room of curtained bunk beds before, but until I ran into it again on Blueprint Bliss, I had no idea where it came from (although of course we assumed a beach house). But it was THIS beach house in South Carolina designed by Carter Kay and featured in the April 2008 issue of Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles. How fabulous are those swinging beds on the porch? That’s where I’m pretending to be stationed this weekend. Thank you, Blueprint Bliss, what a gem.
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise…updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
Oh Yeah! I'm pretending too! Annie
I would not have thought it possible, but I think there's too much blue in that kitchen. However, I love the table (radiator cover?) made from the dune fences. That is so cool!
Those bunks are amazing! Actually every room was breathtaking! Thanks!
awwwww. SO much to love!
Love the bunks! I think the built-in look makes it seem more grown-up.
The kitchen and the swinging porch beds (!!!) are my favorites! Another perfect house but this time in the perfect state. 🙂 (I'm from SC!)
Fabuloso! Just my style. I have turquoise and white wide stripe large carpet which looks fab in the bedroom …. starting slowly
I just love this house. Thanks for the mention! -Brooke
The bunks and the porch swings are enough for me. I think I'd prefer a dining table more suitable to boiled shrimp and crab on brown paper. Probably have to do that on the porch.
I'm comin' with…so fabulous!
I love the painting with the blue and green… so simple and beautiful! I may get my hubby to turn one of our canvases into something like that!
The salt and pepper shakers are so cute!
Those bunk beds look really amazing…what a great design for kids room on a beach house. Splendid interiors.
Fabulous house, thanks for sharing it..
Gorgeous. All of it. I WANT that picture in the second photo.
…yum, yum, give me some…please….
I'm so there on the porch with the swinging beds! Just came back from Mexico where I spent quiet time on a hammock on the beach enjoying the turquoise waters. Swinging on a porch bed would be perfect.
What a BEAUTIFUL space! Oh, to have that porch with a view like that 🙂
I really love those curtains. I'd like them for my closet doors!
Love this house – especially the last picture of the porch – I would spend almost every minute out there! Great post!
If I ever have a beach house I want it to be just like this one!!