It seems like the bold and beautiful designs of Annsley McAleer of Annsley Interiors have been turning heads all over blog-land and Pinterest lately! The talented Boston-based interior designer uses fresh color and pattern to keep her traditional style upbeat and forward-looking. I love every.single.thing. about this bedroom she designed, including the peppy color scheme, fun patterns and awesome Quadrille fabrics (one of my favorites from China Seas on the windows!), and hello there, gorgeous light fixture! No doubt that this is a room the child can grow with! Check out more eye candy over at Annsley Interiors! Have a great weekend everyone!! 😀
Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise…updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!
Wow, that is a really nice room! I love the bold but yet fresh feeling, and the accents of the shade "tangerine tango"
Love the look of the bedroom and crazy about the desk chair! http://vintagevixenlgs.tumblr.com/
very beautiful!happy weekend for you!
Chic and dainty! I love it! Thanks for sharing!
I feel like living somewhere in the coast with this beautiful colors. When I wake up in the morning and I see this, really will make me happy the whole day.
I HAVE THESE PRINTS! WE LOVE THEM! They are by philadelphia artists from TUGBOAT PRINT SHOP
So nice to see them in a styled room!! makes me want to buy the iceberg one above the bed!
how awesome are they?!
What fun fabrics and accents! I bet a teenage girl would adore this!
Oh my goodness. I NEED those roman shades and the hanging lamp!!!
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